Global Rhythm Radio is a monthly radio show hosted by DJ Parisa Eshrati, featuring both traditional and contemporary music from around the globe. In this special themed edition, you'll hear the sounds and voices of the Palestinian people. This two hour set ranges from classic oud music to hip hop to underground techno, and beyond!
Written by A. Iwasa In The Explosion of Deferred Dreams, author, musician, and native San Franciscan Mat Callahan offers a critical re-examination of the interwoven political and musical happenings in San Francisco in the Sixties. Using dozens of original interviews, primary sources, and personal experiences, the author shows how the intense interplay of artistic and political movements put San Francisco, briefly, in the forefront of a worldwide revolutionary upsurge.
It's Bandcamp Friday, which means it's time to open thy wallet! Need help figuring out what to purchase today? Below is a list of some recommended independent artists that deserve your ears and your support.
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