Reviewed by A. Iwasa A review of the lyrical anthology and music of Step Sister, a '90s rock revival band from Cleveland fronted by Clevo music scene pioneer Tom Dark.
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Review by A. Iwasa A Punk House in the Deep South: The Oral History of 309, the latest book by Aaron Cometbus and Scott Satterwhite, stands not just as an epic history of a punk house, but also a model of how other punx can tell the stories of their scenes. Read the full review below.
Written by A. Iwasa In The Explosion of Deferred Dreams, author, musician, and native San Franciscan Mat Callahan offers a critical re-examination of the interwoven political and musical happenings in San Francisco in the Sixties. Using dozens of original interviews, primary sources, and personal experiences, the author shows how the intense interplay of artistic and political movements put San Francisco, briefly, in the forefront of a worldwide revolutionary upsurge.
Written by A. Iwasa
Reviews and recommendations of other great music zines, this roundup including issues of Razorcake, As You Were, and Perfect Mix Tape Segue.
Written by A. Iwasa Ahead of the release of his new zine Clevo Style: How Decades of Cleveland Punk and Hardcore Shaped the World, A. Iwasa shares some of his favorite Clevo hardcore bands that reflect the community within the underground yet prolific scene.
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